Friday, May 22, 2020

Architecture Is A Concept That Was First Defined By Victor...

Bioclimatic architecture is a concept that was first defined by Victor Olgyay in 1963 (Bondars 2013, 84) and describes the relationship between humans, the climate and the architectural design of a structure. Bioclimatic design analyses the relationship between a favourable microclimate inside a structure that is in synergy with the surrounding macroclimate and thus requires minimal mechanical heating or cooling to achieve the microclimate for habitation (Larasati and Mochtar 2013, 823). Since the publication of Olgyay’s findings in the book â€Å"Design with Climate: Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism (1963)†, design principles of bioclimatic architecture have become extensively discussed. However, the practical application of†¦show more content†¦Architects are now called upon to create designs that provide social change, improve the health of a building’s inhabitants, increase equality and in general improve social life (Dutton and Mann 1996 in Woodward 2007, 3). Bioclimatic design falls within this brief as it priviledges designs that are at one with the surrounding climate and produce a harmonious microclimate for the inhabitants, thus improving health and providing social change. However, until recently technical aspects of producing bioclimatic designs were ceded to specialist-trained engineers in the field of Bioclimatics (Altomonte 2009, 13). Thus, keeping architectural education focused on its long-held tradition s of culture, emotion and improving the landscape. This ensures that there is a continued gap between the traditional education of new architects and the education of principles of bioclimatic design. Which makes it difficult for architects to incorporate bioclimatic principles into their final designs. Njuguna (1997, 356) further confirming this, finding that 95% of students believed that their education did not prepare them for a climate responsive design. Citing that the conventional approach to their architectural education was at fault. The conventional educational approach to architecture, which sees components such as bioclimatics taught in parallel or even in competition to traditional architecture simply does not provide an adequate preperation for

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How Immigration Effects Our Nation - 993 Words

How Immigration Effects Our Nation Birds of Passage introduces an unconventional examination of relocation particle to urban mechanical social orders from immature rural territories. It contends that such movements are a proceeding with highlight of mechanical social orders and that they are created by strengths intrinsic in the way of modern economies. It clarifies why routine financial hypothesis finds such relocations so hard to grasp, and difficulties an arrangement of more established suspicions that upheld the perspective that these movements were advantageous to both sending and getting social orders. We try to address, whether movement really mitigates populace weight and provincial unemployment, and whether it creates abilities vital for the development of a modern work power in the nation of origin. Moreover, he condemns the thought that over the long haul transient work supplements local work. On the premise of this evaluate, he adds to an option hypothesis of the way of the relocation process. The historical backdrop of migration to the United States manages the development of individuals to the United States subsequent to the first European settlements in around 1600. Beginning around 1600 English and different Europeans settled on the east drift. Later Africans were brought as slaves. The United States experienced progressive floods of migration, which rose and fell over the long haul, especially from Europe, with the expense of transoceanic transportationShow MoreRelatedAmericans : Just Without The Right Papers893 Words   |  4 Pagescan be seen in every aspect of our national life. We see it in religion, in business, in the arts, in education, even in athletics and in entertainment, there is no part of our nation that has not been touched by our immigrant background† (President John F. Kennedy 1959). Like President John F. Kennedy many other Presidents, before and after him Republican and Democrat, have shared these ideals of freedom and opportunity for all. â €Å"Si Se Puede (Yes we can,) Keep Our Families Together, and â€Å"Human rightsRead MoreThe Impact of Illegal Immigration on the United States1523 Words   |  6 PagesImmigration is one of the hot topics in today’s society: legal and illegal. According to, Philip E. Wolgin, in his article, â€Å"Immigration Polling Roundup: Americans of All Political Stripes Want Congress to Pass Immigration Reform†, there are 11.7 million unauthorized immigrants living in America today. From 1990 – 2007, immigration increased from 3.5 million to 12.2 million. Since 2007, immigration has decreased and fluctuated from 12.2 million illegal immigrants to 11.7 million illegal immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1732 Words   |  7 Pagesimmigrants in our nation s border. This has been a recurring problem going on since the late 19th century, when the federal law was passed which prohibited entry of convicts and prostitutes. Although this isn t the case of everyone crossing our nation s borders, it is still a national problem. Not allowing more people to infiltrate our country will provide Americans with more jobs, will lower the incarceration rates, and will allow American tax dollars to be spent elsewhere. Illegal immigration laws haveRead MoreUnited States Immigrations Impact on the Economy Essay605 Words   |  3 PagesIn this paper I will talk about the factors that affect immigration in the United States as well as the way globalization has improved and affect our economy. This country was first establish by all the immigrates who came here in hopes of better futures but many have forgotten their roots and how they became a member of this nation. Globalization, which is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as the development of an increasingly global and economy marked by the free trade. The two terms haveRead MoreThe Cost of Illegal Imigration Essays1560 Words   |  7 PagesOur 32nd President Franklin Roosevelt once said the famous words of,† Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.† (Roosevelt, Franklin) In the dilemma we face today people love to bring this up as an excuse. In all the years our great country has been established, we have always thrived upon immigrants, because even we are descended from immigrants. However when others come here to our country and are not documented andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Smithsonians National Museum Of American History1588 Words   |  7 Pagesof origin or circumstance† (Burns 113). A Nation of Nations could have pushed more at the boundaries of what was considered safe presentation to deal with difficult topics such as minority representations of Native American and African American communities. In keeping with the celebratory nature of exhibition openings and the founding of the United States â€Å"the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History unveiled a new perspective on how the nation came together—and continues to re-invent itself†Read MoreImmigration, The Land Of Opportunity For People1478 Words   |  6 Pageshundreds of years, immigration has shaped America into who she is today. July 4, 1776, was the day immigrants first stepped onto North American soil and claimed the land as theirs. The impact of migration on a country this big can’t be ignored, especially because the people coming to live in America are usually from Third World countries and are looking for employment and to be shown a better way a life. Like anything else, there are both huge pros and cons to Third World immigration. Once, AmericaRead MoreThe United States Is Immensively A Land Of Immigrants1333 Words   |  6 Pagesthis period, large numbers of Chinese als o migrated to the United States. Many nations were and are still in a state of civil war or war with a neighboring country. People in these countries dream of a place where they can live peacefully and feel safe. In order to live a better life, these non-native people settled in a new place with low unemployment rates. In 1965, it [The United States] reconsidered its immigration laws, making it possible for millions of people from the Caribbean, South and CentralRead MoreThe Unsuspected Success Of Donald Trump s Campaign For President Essay1632 Words   |  7 PagesThe unsuspected success of Donald Trump’s campaign for president has proved to be the spark of a new nativist moment in the United States. Open hostility and opposition to immigration has moved into mainstream culture, as Americans become increasingly intolerant of migrants as a result of their financial and cultural woes. Nativist sentiments are not a novel fixture of American political culture, however, as throu ghout history there have been countless crusades against migratory movements of theRead MoreThe Executive Order : President Obama s Immigration Reform1221 Words   |  5 PagesThe Executive Order: President Obama’s Immigration Reform In 1986 Ronald Regan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act, an amnesty act that would alleviate the current immigration problems. Through this law, out of five million illegal immigrants, an estimated four million could have applied to become legal U.S. Citizens. This law was supposed to put a definite stop to illegal immigration into the United States. However, ever since the law was enacted, statistics show that the numbers

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Use of Imagery In A Specific Sport Free Essays

The term imagery means ‘mental pictures’. It is where an athlete mentally visualises pictures in their mind in order to complete a set routine. Mental rehearsal is a learned skill, which takes considerable time and dedication to develop fully. We will write a custom essay sample on The Use of Imagery In A Specific Sport or any similar topic only for you Order Now One cannot just decide to ‘have a go’ and expect immediate results. Mental practice demands a relaxed state of mind and this itself demands control and practice. Learning how to rehearse comes about through practice and evaluation. The problem with any kind of conscious mental activity is that the mind is very limited in the amount of information it can handle at any time. Imagery is an experience or situation from memory; it is kind of like creating your own ‘instant replay’ in your mind. One thing to remember is that imagery is not ‘day dreaming’ about the great things you would like to do. It is a specific psychological method that can be used to improve your performance. Mental rehearsal is best thought of as an adjunct to physical practice. It may be particularly valuable aid at times during injury or at other times when not practicing. For learners, it is probably most effective just prior to performance. Imagery should never take the place of physical practice, but should be used in combination with it. Either before you get to practice, or in the changing room before you go out to start your warm up, it can be useful to go over the drills, techniques and moves that you are likely to be rehearsing. After practice the feel of the movements involved in the techniques and moves that you practiced will be fresh in your memory, so it should be easier to re-create a clear image of the movements. This will help to cement that image in your mind so that it will be easier to recall during the next practice etc. Even during breaks of play in a game, there is time to create a quick, vivid image of what you should do at the next set piece. You can also practice imagery at any time of day. Grant Fox, New Zealand’s most prolific points scorer in internationals, who was a strong advocate of the use of imagery in helping his goal-kicking performance. Another example is the skier Jean Claude Killy used it to ‘run every slalom in his mind’ just before sleeping the night prior to a competition. Top performers in many sports – both team and individual – spend time thinking about their performance and testify to the value of mental rehearsal. Grant Fox, of New Zealand rugby said ‘mental rehearsal before and during the game has helped me enormously to concentrate, to focus my attention on the job at hand’ this would be a positive aspect of imagery. Where as learners who cannot create clear images in their heads cannot recall and often perform worse as the image is wrong in their head. Imagery is successful if it used right. The golfer Jack Nicklaus said ‘I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp image, in-focus picture in my head. It’s like a colour movie. First I ‘see’ the ball where I want it to finish, nice and white and sitting high up on the green grass. Then the scene quickly changes I ‘see’ the ball going there: its path, trajectory and shape, even its behaviour on landing. Then there is a sort of fade-out and the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality. How to cite The Use of Imagery In A Specific Sport, Papers